I Miss You Dear

Every morning has its day which sets my dreams to sail
And lays my nights to rest but when the night is falling
How I wish I freeze the day and make it well
Where I can lay and hold her still for she is my darling.

Every morning I wake with a dream to see the moments 
Frozen for me so live and young; green in my eyes
Where beautiful moments come in torrents
With my love beside me all days.

When the night is falling ending the day
Deep down inside I cry for the light
For I fear forbidding nights that sets to lay
In my dead cell where no love is alight.

 I never had a day where I freeze the day still
Where there are no creepy nights that so cold
So when the night is falling I lay down to seal
To light my nights in my small but a warm fold.

At night, loneliness creeps and sadness crawl
And I lay down to listen her words again and again
The ones which she said with her head on her shawl
On the day we bid farewell and I headed for the train
To part with tears in hearts but smiles on our faces.
